Thursday, March 25, 2010

nothing like a good friend(s).

Lately, I've been missing my friends back at home a lot. (probably because I'm anxious to finally come home) I feel like I was blessed with the best friends anyone could ask for, I'm totally serious. I've got a handful of best friends and they all bring out a different side of me that I love. Although I've got my girls Heidi and Kerry up here in Utah, I still need my other friends who bring out sides that I don't see without their help. Here's a little spotlight on each of my lovelies.

Kerry has always been there for me, she's shared way too many memories with me and opened my eyes to so many things about myself . Even when she lived in Utah and I was still in HS, we talked on the phone almost every day. She brings out my annoying-crazy side along with my deeper side. She is the friend I know will always be there, even if I don't see her for a year- I know that when I do, she will still be my sincere, listening, beautiful, creative friend. There's so much more to say, and I love her!

Dominique is my clone/twin, i think. We have got the same exact humor, and we both find each other hilarious. Dom is honestly like a sister to me- I love her family almost as much as I love mine, and I think she has a crush on my mom (they get along really well, it's creepy) Dom could stay at my house for weeks and I would not get sick of waking up to her staring at me with a demented smile haha. I have gone through so much with this lady, and miss tanning in my backyard with her. Love you Dommy.

Kimmy Dang has been my friend since early freshman year. This girl is the most beautiful thing you'll ever see, she's got a presence about her, and you can't not notice her. Her and I have a friendship on a really deep level, where we talk about how much we love each other (not in a lesbian way) and start to cry.. She gets my taste just as much as I get it. She's also the sweetest girl, and never puts herself first, ever. She will always want the other person to take the first bite, choose where we go... simply wants everyone to be happy. I love her so so much.

Elise has been one of my best friends since 7th grade, when I first moved to Newbury Park. It doesn't matter if I don't see her for years, right when I do, it's the same. She is the friend that I can drive around aimlessly with, watch junk TV, pretty much do nothing at all and still have a ball. She has a great personality and I love her cynical side ahha. We have been through everything together and she knows everything about me, as I do with her. She deserves way more credit and love than her family and old boyfriends ever gave her, and I know she'll always be around, love you.

Heidi is like my girlfriend.. we thrive off of each other's annoying sides and it gets a little out of control. She knows alot about me, but doesn't judge me for my decisions. She is such a kind person and I love dancing, driving, sleeping over, and talking with her. She's always making me laugh, and I love when she laughs at my jokes with her hysteric giggle. She and I go way back and I know we'll always be in contact. Love my Heidster.

These aren't in any order, and I love you all. I don't know what I'd do without any of these gals. xo

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